The Anchor Club

The Anchor Club is an adult day program, recreation and learning centre for adults with developmental disabilities. Based in Port Colborne, The Anchor Club strives to provide meaningful person centered life skills training, relationship building and an appreciation for community.

The Anchor Club is open Monday to Saturday  9-4. The cost of the program includes activities and lunch. Members jointly decide what activities will be included on the schedule each month and a calendar is distributed.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday we are open to male members only. Each morning we offer a fitness support program and every afternoon we participate in a recreational activity in the community.

Tuesdays and Thursdays we are open to everyone. Each morning we enjoy the amenities available at the club and every afternoon we participate in a recreational activity in the community.

Saturdays are ladies only. A flyer is circulated monthly with the list of upcoming activities.


The Respite Care Program is based out of our barrier free facility in Port Colborne, in the members home or in the community.
This overnight service provides caregivers with peace of mind and a break from their caregiving responsibilities. They can be confident that their loved ones are engaging in individualized activities and receiving quality supports.


Individualized supports are community based, a support staff from Anchors Away will provide supports one to one or in small groups in the community. Community supports could include volunteering, employment skill building, activities of daily living, medical appointment supports or recreational activities.


Anchors Away staff can help you build your resume, assist you with your employment search and provide on the job support. The staff can assist with reporting monthly earnings and supporting with ODSP paperwork if requested.


Anchors Away can assist with bookkeeping, payroll, scheduling support staff, submitting claims and organizing services with your Passport Funding. We will handle all of the paperwork for you and allow you more time to focus on the stuff that matters to you. We charge a 10% fee for this service. We are a registered Service Agency with Developmental Services Ontario and the Passport Program.


Kim Simons is trained and able to facilitate life plans that clarify needs and goals. These plans help people to make the most out of their Passport funding and clearly define how they want to be supported. Person Centered Planning is about outlining personalized supports and defining a plan for the future.


Anchors Away offers coordination with regards to home management, banking, medical appointments and advocacy. Case management is ongoing support. We assist people to live a happy and healthy life in the community and develop community connections.